
How to get Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen white feather mask

How does Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen white feather mask get? Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen White feather mask suit Get methods? Today Xiaobian will bring you Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen on February 23rd. The activity suit white feather masking method is introduced.

How to Get Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen White Feather Mask Set:

Using “ Dream Feather ” Help Witch Decorate Real Night Gift Box , To reach a certain number of times, you can set up a beautiful pigeon skirt [White Feather Mask]

On February 23 5:00— At 13:00 on March 1st, the entire map level (except the Union level) will fall. Road & ldquo;The dream of feather ”.

Well, the above is how Xiaobian made Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen White Feather Mask. How to get the kit exchange method, please refer to the 18183 Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen area for more exciting content.

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