
DIET PLAN – Ketogenic Easy – Recommended foods and meals – Lifesum guide

Lose weight while feeling fresh and alert throughout the day. The Ketogenic Diet is high in fat and low in carbs. When you get rid of the carbs your body will use its fat stores for energy – this is called entering into ‘ketosis’. According to what your goal is, you can choose different levels of the diet. The more carbs you get rid of, the better effect the diet has (that is, the faster the weight loss goes). There are three different levels of the diets in our app, easy – medium – strict. To get into proper ketosis you need to choose the medium or strict diet plan. The ‘easy’ level advocates for lower carb and higher fat intake than a normal diet plan.On ‘easy’ you eat a maximum of 100 grams of carbs per day, instead focusing on items with a great amount of minerals, vitamins and fiber when you pick your carb sources.If you follow the ratings in the app you will see that all food items that contain < 6 gram of carb/100 gram item get a high score. The more carbs, the lower score. At the same time you’ll focus on getting enough dietary fiber, micronutrients and minerals to keep up the good health and therefore it is important to eat vegetables like brussels, broccoli, spinach, lentils, cauliflower and carrots for example. On the ‘easy’ plan you can add smaller amounts of sweet potato, quinoa and Barley as well. The fat quality is also important so build up your meals with fatty fish, oils, nuts and avocado.Find your favourite foods with plenty of high-quality fat. In the app you’ll find heaps of recipes that will help you out. Don’t cut down on the fat. Don’t give in to your sugar cravings, they will pass in a few days. Recommended foods:

  • Fish (i.e. salmon, cod, mackerel, hoki, tuna)
  • Tofu 
  • Eggs 
  • Quorn 
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Salad (i.e. like lettuce, spinach, rocket, romaine)
  • Vegetables (i.e. broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, aubergine, tomato, kale, brussels) 
  • Oils (i.e. olive, rapeseed & sesame)
  • Berries (i.e. raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries, strawberries)
  • Nuts and seeds (i.e. peanuts, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds)
  • Dairy products (i.e. cottage cheese, quark, yoghurt)

Recommended in moderation:

  • Full fat dairy products (i.e. cream, crème fraiche) 
  • Cheese 
  • Meat (i.e. pork, bison, beef)
  • Coconut milk 


  • Read the food labels to check so the food doesn’t contain hidden sugars!
  • Drizzle some olive oil or rapeseed oil onto your salad to get some healthy fats that are good for your body.
  • Check out our keto recipes in the app for lots of delicious and filling meals! 

It’s important to note that some foods and meals can end up with higher or lower score due to different nutritional information. If you’re ever unsure, double check that all nutrition values are correct and if you find any errors you can always either edit the item yourself or report it. We do our absolute best to verify the accuracy of the nutrition information. Although, we cannot guarantee its accuracy.If you are having any medical conditions or suffers from conditions like eating disorders you may not use Lifesum. In that case, always consult a doctor first. Sources of recommendations: Low Carbohydrate Diet – StatPearls European Journal of Nutrition – Overweight and diabetes prevention: is a low-carbohydrate-high-fat diet recommendable? – 2018 British Journal of Nutrition – Very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet v. low-fat diet for long-term weight loss: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials – 2013


Lifesum GUIDE