
Hay Day-Someone raided my roadside shop-[Hay Day English]

Hay Day is an open, friendly, and social game where players tend to their farms and cooperate with each others towards their own goals.

On this note, friends, followers and other farmers who visit your farm (for example, via the ads in theDaily Dirt) are a vital part of the game. They can help you bypurchasing your items, completing your boat orders and reviving your trees and bushes.

There are different ways a player can visit your farm and help you progressing in the game.

  • The player is in your friends list (either you added him viaGame CenterorFacebook, or you followed his/her farm).
  • The player is in your followers list (he/she started following your farm).
  • The player found one of your ads in the Daily Dirt (and tried to purchase the advertised item).
  • The player found you in his/her "Last Helpers" list (because you helped him/her out with his/her boat or trees or bushes).
  • The player found you in the Global Leadearboard.
  • The player found you in the Event Leaderboard as a contributor.

Please, note that in some occasions, the name you see in one of the lists and the name you see in the roadside shop, when the player purchases one your item on sale, may be different. For example, while in the friends and followers list you see the name of the player’s farm, in the roadside shop you see his/herGame Center, Google+ or Facebook username.

At the moment, it is not possible to reserve some slots of the roadside shops to friends only, but we arecommitted to improving our game with new features. Introducing a way for the player to have some control over who can access the farm is something we are taking into consideration for future updates.