
How do I Summon new Heroes or Weapons? – Puzzle Combat Game guide

If you are ever in need of extra Heroes, they can be Summoned through the Summon Icon. Heroes and Weapons of all shapes and sizes are available in exchange for Gold and Hero/Weapon Tickets.As the name implies, you can Summon one Hero or Weapon every day in the Daily Summon. These Heroes and Weapons are limited, however, to one starred, two starred and three starred ones.You can summon more powerful Heroes from the Epic Hero Summon. An Epic Hero Summon will give you at least a three star Hero with the possibility of four and five star Heroes.The Color Summon behaves likewise, with an increased chance for five star Heroes but limited to Heroes of a certain color. The Summon Color will change every two days.The Epic Weapon Summon can be used to summon Weapons. An Epic Weapon Summon guarantees at least a three star Weapon with the possibility of four and five star Weapons.Summons usually cost Gold but there are special Tickets which will give you a free Summon:

  • Summon Tickets give you another free Daily Summon
  • Epic Hero Tickets allow you to do a free Epic Hero Summon
  • Epic Weapon Tickets enable a free Epic Weapon Summon.

There is also a chance to receive a different Hero of the Month from any Color or Epic Summon each month. Please note that this means that not every Color or Epic summon results in summoning a Hero of the Month.


Puzzle Combat Game GUIDE