
MrBeast Runner Island Challenge – OFFICIAL RULES – Dragon City (Город драконов) guide

OFFICIAL RULESMrBeast Runner Island ChallengeNO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN.The MrBeast Runner Island Challenge consists of two (2) components: (i) a point-basedcontest (“Contest”) and (ii) a random draw (“Sweepstakes,” collectively with the Contest,the “Challenge”).ELIGIBILITY: OPEN ONLY TO INDIVIDUALS, 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER, WHOARE RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (EXCLUDING NEW YORKAND FLORIDA), THE UNITED KINGDOM, CANADA (EXCLUDING QUEBEC),GERMANY, AND SPAIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. An eligible minor in the U.S. orCanada should have permission from a parent or legal guardian to participate. Employees(and their immediate families (spouse, and parents, children and siblings and theirrespective spouses, regardless of where they reside) and other persons living in the samehousehold, whether or not related) of Social Point S.L. (“Sponsor”), its parent, affiliates,subsidiaries and advertising and promotion agencies are not eligible to enter or win. Byparticipating, players (and, if an eligible minor, their parent or legal guardian) agree to bebound by these official rules (“Official Rules”) and the decisions of Sponsor and/orjudges, which are binding and final on matters relating to this Challenge. Challenge issubject to all applicable federal, state, provincial and local laws.TO PARTICIPATE: Between 12:00:00 pm Central European Summer Time (“CEST”) onSeptember 26, and 11:59:59 am CEST on October 3, (“Entry Period”), loginto Dragon City then access and play the mini-game, Runner Island (“Runner IslandGame”). If you do not have Dragon City, downloading Dragon City to your mobile deviceis free. Data rates may apply. Contact your mobile provider for complete details. Entriesor game play generated by script, macro or other automated means will be void.CONTEST WINNER DETERMINATION: Following the conclusion of the Entry Period, theeligible player with the highest point total based on points earned for distance travelledduring a single run in the Runner Island Game will be deemed the Contest winner, subjectto verification of eligibility and compliance with these Official Rules. Winning depends onthe skill in playing the Runner Island Game. In the event that the highest point totalachieved during the Entry Period has been achieved by more than one eligible player inthe Runner Island Game, the prize for winning the Contest will be shared equally by eachof the eligible players who have achieved that highest score.SWEEPSTAKES RANDOM DRAW: Eligible players who reach a minimum distance of40,000 meters in the Runner Island Game will be entered into the Sweepstakes. Ten (10)potential winners of the Sweepstakes will be selected in a random drawing held on orabout October 7, from all eligible entries received during the Entry Period, whichshall be observed by an independent observer. Odds of winning depend on the numberof eligible entries received during the Entry Period. The Contest winner is not eligible forthe Sweepstakes.WINNER NOTIFICATION: Potential winners will be notified in-game via a popup onOctober 8, that directs them to email within 7 daysof initial notification with their in-game User ID. Potential winners (and, if eligible minors,their parents or legal guardians) may be required to execute and return a declaration of eligibility, a release of liability in Release of Liability below and, where lawful, a publicityrelease in accordance with the Publicity Grant below. If a potential winner is a legalresident of Canada, he/she will also be required to correctly answer without assistance ofany kind a time-limited, mathematical skill-testing question prior to being declared anofficial winner and prior to being able to claim a prize. Failure to answer the questioncorrectly within the time period specified, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion,will result in disqualification and, at Sponsor’s sole discretion, an alternate winner may beselected for the prize at issue.If a potential winner does not respond to the initial notification within the time period stated,fails to return all required documentation within the time period specified in the notification,is not in compliance with any requirement set forth in these Official Rules, and/or if a prizeor prize notification is returned as undeliverable, prize may be forfeited and, at Sponsor’sdiscretion, an alternate winner selected for the prize at issue in accordance with the winnerdetermination procedure for that prizePRIZES:CONTEST PRIZE (1): USD$15,000. In case there are several winners of the Contest thisprize will be shared in equal parts among them.SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES (10): There are ten (10) Sweepstakes prizes of USD$1,000each available to be awarded. Total value of all Sweepstakes prizes: USD$10,000.Prizes will be awarded via a bank transfer. Winners may not substitute, assign or transfertheir prize. Limit one (1) prize per person. All federal, state, provincial and local taxes(including income and withholding taxes), if any, are the sole responsibility of the winners.PUBLICITY GRANT: Each winner (and, if an eligible minor, their parent or legal guardian),by accepting their prize, except where legally prohibited, grants permission for Sponsor touse his/her name, address (city, county/state, country), and prize information for purposesof the winner announcement.RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By accepting these Official Rules, except in the event thatSponsor has breached its obligations whether legal or contractual or where prohibited bylaw or otherwise excluded herein, each player (and, if an eligible minor, their parent orlegal guardian) agrees to release, discharge and hold harmless Sponsor, its parent,subsidiaries, affiliates and advertising and promotion agencies and all of their respectiveofficers, directors, employees, representatives and agents (collectively, “ReleasedParties”) from any and all liability, losses and damages of any kind to persons, includingdeath, or property resulting, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from player’s (a)participation in the Challenge, (b) acceptance, possession, misuse or use of a prize, orthe merchandise for which it is redeemed (if applicable) or (c) any claims based onpersonality or privacy rights, defamation or merchandise delivery.Released Parties are not responsible for (i) lost, late, incomplete, damaged, inaccurate,stolen, delayed, misdirected, undelivered or garbled game play, points, email or othercommunication; (ii) lost, interrupted or unavailable network, server, Internet ServiceProvider (ISP), website, app, or other connections, availability or accessibility ormiscommunications; (iii) failed computer, satellite, telephone or cable transmissions, lines,or technical failure; (iv) jumbled, scrambled, delayed, or misdirected transmissions or computer hardware or software malfunctions, failures or difficulties; (v) other errors ordifficulties of any kind, whether human, mechanical, electronic, computer, network,typographical, printing or otherwise, relating to or in connection with the Challenge,including, without limitation, errors or difficulties which may occur in connection with theadministration of the Challenge, the tabulation of points, the functionality of the game, orin any Challenge-related materials; (vi) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whethercaused by users, tampering, hacking, or by any equipment or programming associatedwith or utilized in the Challenge; or (vii) injury or damage to any person’s computer relatedto or resulting from participating in this Challenge.The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Official Rules shall not affectthe validity or enforceability of any other provision. If any provision of the Official Rules isdetermined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, then the Official Rules shall beconstrued in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or unenforceable provision wasnot contained therein.IF YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF GERMANY THIS PARAGRAPH APPLIES TO THEEXCLUSION OF THE ABOVE UNDERLINED PARAGRAPHS: Sponsor shall be liablefor damages caused by culpable injury to life, body or health. For any other losses ordamages of any kind that are sustained by any player and that result from theiracceptance, possession or use of any prize or from entry or attempted entry into theChallenge, each player agrees to release Sponsor from any and all liability whatsoeverunless such losses or damages are caused by gross negligence or the willful intent ofSponsor. In the event of slight negligence, Sponsor shall be liable only for breaches of amaterial contractual obligation (“Cardinal Duty”). A Cardinal Duty is an obligation whosefulfilment makes the implementation of this Challenge possible in the first place and onthe fulfilment of which the player may therefore generally rely. Liability in case of breachesof Cardinal Duties shall be limited to the typical, foreseeable damages.IF YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF UNITED KINGDOM OR SPAIN, THIS PARAGRAPHAPPLIES: Notwithstanding anything set out above in relation to exclusions of liability,nothing in these Official Rules shall exclude or limit any liability of the Released Partiesfor death or injury caused by their negligence, or for any liability that cannot be excludedby law.GENERAL CONDITIONS: Challenge is subject to all applicable federal, provincial, stateand local laws. Any attempted form of participation other than as set forth in these OfficialRules is prohibited. No automatic, programmed, robotic or similar means of participationare permitted.Persons who tamper with or abuse any aspect of the Challenge, who act in anunsportsmanlike or disruptive manner or who are otherwise in violation of these OfficialRules, will be disqualified. Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualifyany player it determines, in its sole discretion, to be tampering with the participationprocess or the operation of the Challenge, Dragon City, or the Runner Island mini-game.Sponsor may prohibit any player from participating in the Challenge or winning a prize if,in its sole discretion, it determines that such player is attempting to undermine thelegitimate operation of the Challenge by cheating, hacking, deception, or other unfairplaying practices (including the use of automated quick entry programs) or intending toannoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other players or Sponsor representatives.CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY ANY PLAYER TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE DRAGONCITY OR THE RUNNER ISLAND MINI-GAME OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATEOPERATION OF THE CHALLENGE MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVILLAWS AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, SPONSOR RESERVES THERIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH PLAYER TO THE FULLEST EXTENTPERMITTED BY LAW.In the event of force majeure causes, such as unauthorized intervention, bugs ortampering meeting force majeure conditions, Sponsor reserves the right at its solediscretion to suspend, modify or terminate the Challenge at any time and, if terminated,award the prizes using the winner determination procedures set forth above for theSweepstakes and/or Contest based on the number of non-suspect points received up tosuch time of termination or as otherwise deemed fair and appropriate by Sponsor.Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiverof that provision.PRIVACY: Any personal data submitted to, or collected by, Sponsor or its data processorsin connection with the Challenge will be processed by Sponsor and/or its data processorsin accordance with Sponsor’s privacy policy for the purposes of conducting, administeringand marketing the Contest. Please read Sponsor’s privacy policy By participating in the Challenge, you herebyacknowledge that you have read and understood Sponsor’s privacy policy. Sponsor willretain entrants’ personal data for as long as it is required for the purposes described inthese Official Rules and Sponsor’s Privacy Policy. Note that information Sponsor collectsin connection with the Challenge may be transferred to and stored on Sponsor’s serversin Europe. Please be aware that the data protection laws and regulations applicable toyour personal data transferred to Europe may be different from the laws in your country ofresidence.WINNERS LIST: To receive a list of the winners (available after October 31, ), sendan email to: , by no later than November 30, .SPONSOR: Social Point S.L., Calle Llacuna, 166, 10th Floor, 08018 Barcelona, Spain.


Dragon City (Город драконов) Game GUIDE