
Hay Day-Always the same items in newspaper!-[Hay Day English]

Hay Day has its own economy that is balanced by the millions of players that grow, buy and sell produce in the game.

Produce like eggs & bacon, strawberries, wheat and sugar caneare easy to grow, collect and sell. For this reason you will see a lot of these items advertised in the newspaper.

Other items, such as jam and ice creamare more difficult to producebecause they require more time and resources to create. Bolts, nails, mallets and land deeds are alsoquite rareordifficultto come across and for this reason you will not see as many adverts in the newspaper for these rare items.

If you find yourself with an excess of one of the more rare items – for example you might have 10 extra bolts than you need to upgrade your barn – you can always sell these items very quickly by advertising in the newspaper. By doing this you will have done your bit to change the economy of the game and created a bit ofspacein your barn!

We consider the newspaper to be one of themost important featuresof the game and are constantly working to add improvements and maintain the fine balance of the Hay Day’s economy.