
Hay Day-How does my personal train work?-[Hay Day English]

Your personal train will unlock at reputation level 4. This train is quite different from the normal EGGspress train, as you can use it to pick up visitors from your neighborhood friends platforms (and your neighbors can do the same).
Repair the train for 13.000 coins and tap on it to see which friend from your neighborhood has some visitors idly waiting on their platforms. Tap on your friend’s avatar and you will be taken to their farm, tap on a visitor (or their train station) and a pop-up window will appear where you can choose a visitor or two to take back to your Town! Send them there by tapping on the train icon at the bottom right corner of the window.
A couple things to keep in mind: You can only serve visitors you pick up from your neighbors once. You will need to be quick!
If the EGGspress Train arrives before you get to your neighbor’s Town, it will pick all visitors from the platform and take the visitors home.
Please check out our Tutorial Video section for more help.