
Hay Day-How do I serve my visitors?-[Hay Day English]

Once the visitors arrive to your Town, you will need to tap on them in order to send them to a Service Building that is available.

After the visitors have walked to the buildings, you can serve themby tapping on the building (i.e.: the Grocery Store) and then tapping on the visitor. He or she will ask forup to 4 different produce, which areallneeded to make him or her happy. You only need to drag and drop one of the items to the visitor, and the other requested items will automatically follow.

All the items the visitors will ask for can all be made in your farm… it is a good thing that you have a great farm running efficiently!

From time to time a visitor may wonder off around your Town and hide behind a tree or building. If you lose track of one, or you just want to remember who’s where and doing what, simply tap on the Town Hall where a full list of the visitors currently in your Town will appear. Tap on one name to make that visitor immediately visible.

If you manage to completeall of one visitors requests (i.e.: serving them in all the different buildings around Town), you will get a special reward, with high chances of it being one of the new upgrade or expansion items needed in your Town area.