
Arcane Online-[GUILD WAR] I keep getting killed! What the ******!-[Arcane Online]

The Guild War mechanism is one of the core systems in Arcane Online, which does offer a lot of PvP/PK content at high level.

During the Guild War, all open world zones are free PvP between the 2 guilds, while only cities and instances zones are safe havens (Dungeons, Giants Den, Temple of Trials, Rebel Hideout, PvP Arena, etc).
Note: as of July 13th, kills in Guild War do not count toward the PK titles, which are supposed to be achieved via PK Kills not PvP Kills in Guild War.
If you get killed a lot during a Guild War there are 3 main options:
1- You can respawn and go somewhere else
After being killed, if players are still around and you feel you can’t defeat them, just tap the Respawn button and go to another zone – or enter a safe zone like a city or dungeon.
2- You can gather with guild mates and counterattack!
Usually your opposing guild will not have all their players in one location, you can thus discuss in guild chat and organize a counterattack.
You will probably have little chance of success if you are outnumbered and overpowered, but if you come back in a big party you can surely wipe the few players who may be camping in a specific location. Also try to group with your guild mates, as it is more efficient and you can benefit from some group skills.
3- You can enter a ceasefire after 24h
If you are overwhelmed by the opposing guild, you can enter a ceasefire by talking to the Guild Master in each town.
A ceasefire costs 50 to 200 Rubies depending on how much time remains in the Guild War (this is less than 2 days of daily missions Ruby reward).
Like any war, the guild being attacked is usually the one which may decide to enter a ceasefire, although it could be the attacking guild eventually 🙂
Alternatively it can be good to take a break to calm down and come back later.
You may also enter the Rebel Hideout and AFK for 30mn while the storm passes 🙂
As such we consider there is no griefing as you do have some options to go somewhere else and you can’t really camp a player but a location (if players camp a location, just avoid that location until you can come back with enough guild mates to clean the area eventually, even if it means you will have to complete or get a new quest later)
For now the Guild War does work as it was intended by the developers, although we do understand some players may not like it and it may create some in-game drama…
– You cannot be protected by the Guardian Protection during the Guild War (but it will protects you against other players not in the opposing guild to PK you)
– You cannot lose any Legacy item during a Guild War or Siege War (against players from the opposing guild, but you can lose it to another player PK still).
– You cannot leave a Guild during the war as it could destroy some guilds and/or make the system pointless (players would quit and reform another guild). Fight for your Guild with honor! 😉
Thank you for your understanding. 🙂